Monday, May 07, 2007

Aliens in the Alien Nation

Sometimes, I really wonder about this diversity thing that everybody seems to be espousing. On one hand people say "cultural diversity" and on the other hand, they call the unusual people of society "dorks" and "geeks". Is being a Star Wars fanatic worse than being a Klu Klux Klan member? Yet in one article of Cosmopolitan Philippines, a certain contributor writes off a fellow worker who is an intense afficionado of the Star Wars universe as a "loser".

Often, I feel that it is society and "ordinary" people who are lacking. At least that Star Wars fan has something most people I know don't, and that is enthusiasm.

I am an alien living in this world. Sometimes I see rainbows when other see black and white. Sometimes I see black and white when other see shades of grey. Sometimes, the soot and grime of this world cover my eyes and give me grey colored glasses.