Monday, June 20, 2011

One with Everything

A monk was in New York one day and, finding himself hungry, went to a hotdog vendor.

"Make me one with everything", said the monk to the hotdog vendor.

"That will be ten dollars", said the hotdog vendor.

 "That's too expensive", the monk exclaimed.

"No, that's not expensive", the hotdog vendor replied, "that's one with everything".

So the monk paid the hotdog vendor and ate his food.  He found it so delicious that he went back to the hotdog vendor.

"It's delicious!  That's too cheap for such a meal", the monk praised.

"No, that's not cheap", replied the hotdog vendor, "that's one with everything".


Saturday, June 04, 2011



A woman's Friend Zone is a very cold place. You're not really friends because she holds you constantly at arm's length and she automatically shuts the door when you try to get closer.

I am forever frozen out, outside of Paradise.
