Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Face in My Book

It is true that Facebook only alienates people from each other but maybe the walls have been there even before Facebook.  No matter how hard I try to share the real me on my page, people never "get it".  Yet, I cannot say these things straight out, as they are taboo topics, and I'm not even talking about my sexuality (I am straight,if it isn't obvious yet).

Just the same, it is here, in this cul-de-sac of the 'net that I can truly express my feelings.  Blogs and blogging has pretty much been abandoned by the mainstream, leaving only the determined behind.  Stringing together words and paragraphs is difficult even in normal times.  When one has nothing to say or more correctly, nothing one wishes to say out loud, even anonymously, then writing is equivalent to pulling teeth.

Hello World.  Hope you're doing fine.
